by Avi Winkler | Aug 27, 2015 | Soul
A Second Chance Flow flour sift this flour Refine refine & find That with this untrue voice false vision All that bran all that chaff un-ridden All that’s left is derision This meager offering This almost worthless meal ...
by Dani Shain | Aug 23, 2015 | Soul
Came as a surprise when it turned out just fine. “Can this goodness possibly be mine???” If that is from me, well who am I, what am I? And when it’s all a mess, why is it I cry? The me is the good, the Godly the true. This is our mission to realize...
by Dani Shain | Aug 23, 2015 | Soul
Once there was a true master of truth. There where few who seeked him, and even fewer who found him. This was because the seekers would usually give up, go back to ways of deceit and folly. The master of truth was hiding himself, as he would tolerate and receive only...
by Jenny Shain | Aug 23, 2015 | Soul
Attraction ; illogical, powerful, inexplicable It’s always an interesting exercise to ask couples (and oneself!) how they met and what they were attracted to in their partner. One often hears reports of a sweeping, overwhelming feeling that “this is the one” … upon...
by Dani Shain | Aug 10, 2015 | Soul
It’s never been this dark. Every moment another descent away from Sinai. It’s His will that this is so. And it shows that we can grow. He believes in our power great force and might. Our fathers did bequeath to us forces greater than nature. Fear not, not...
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