by Avi Winkler | Dec 3, 2015 | Soul
Fall I’m struggling going down down How do I break this fall? If Only I Could Fall Pleasantly Let Me Be Guided Like A Beautiful Shinning Leaf In Fall By Avi Winkler ...
by Devora | Dec 3, 2015 | Soul
I went to a shiur by Rabbanit Yemimah Mizrachi on Chanukah a couple of years ago and was blown away. Since then, I pull out my notes every Chanukah to refer to and I thought I’d share them… Here are a few insights:She starts off with the story from the...
by Naama Heller | Dec 3, 2015 | body
For some people the thought of Chanukah food is exciting, for others it is a big test in self-control or another battle in the guilt arena of I-shouldn’t-have-eaten-that. There are many ways of making Chanukah food healthier. Try spoon latke batter onto a baking...
by Devora | Dec 2, 2015 | Soul
Chanukah is a most powerful time for prayer. Here are some tips I heard from Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi on how to utilise the tremendous light that Chanukah brings into our lives. Segulot: As she says- “A segulah has no essence of its own; it’s a practical...
by Jenny Shain | Dec 2, 2015 | Soul
THE POWER STRUGGLE The early stage of the relationship, before marriage, and hopefully for some time after is known as the ‘Romantic Phase’ or ‘Honeymoon Phase’. During this period, both partners are showing their best sides to each other and also trying to treat each...
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