Devora offers workshops and groups on marriage, mindfulness, parenting and more!

She also offers yoga and meditation classes.

Reach out to inquire about group coaching.

In addition she has an online group forum called the Inspired Relationships Coaching Group.

For a fraction on the price of personal coaching, you can get answers and support to issues in relationships and personal growth.

It’s only $29 a month and you can cancel at any time!

There are monthly learning topics, ongoing guidance as well as a sense of community and connection.

You can join apply through this link 

Devora also has FREE whatsapp groups with ongoing inspiration throughout the year- join here to join an ‘Inspired Living’ group, leave any time, or ask for emails if you don’t have whatsapp.

The Other Topics to be covered over the course of a year are:

Self-nurturing, setting boundaries, establishing priorities & goals, and conscious eating.

Relationships; marriage and parenting

Growth through challenging times, seeing Hashem’s hand, focusing on gratitude. This is an affordable way of learning new tools and skills.      

Please email for more information.Join our group for only 140 shekels ($35) a month. You only need to commit to two months at a time.

Devora Levy Coaching

31 Nachal Lachish Bet Shemesh 99093 Israel

Copyright © 2025 Devora Levy . All Rights Reserved.